The Core Recovery Method®

A powerful physical therapy protocol

Organized into a simple yet comprehensive online program so you can achieve optimal core health.


The Core Recovery Method®

A powerful physical therapy protocol

Organized into a simple yet comprehensive online program so you can achieve optimal core health.


The Core Recovery Method® can help those who are...


Trying to heal or prevent any form of core, spine, or pelvic dysfunction


Mothers who want a program that will prepare them for labor and safely heal postpartum


Looking to optimize core health, longevity, and strengthen your pelvic floor

What Makes The Core Recovery Method® Different?

Created by a Doctor of Physical Therapy

Confused about all the information out there? No misinformation here. Unlike many other core and pelvic health programs out there, The Core Recovery Method® was developed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy whose method has been tested and proven by thousands of patients over the last decade. With a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and over a decade of experience in the field, you can be confident that the protocol taught in The Core Recovery method® online program is safe and effective.



A protocol that prioritizes organ position

The Core Recovery Method® teaches a unique combination of powerful and effective techniques that realign + optimize organ position, and detoxify your gut and pelvic organs. Every aspect of this protocol is intended to encourage your organs into their best position to receive optimal blood, lymph and nerve flow. When your organs are in their best position, your body is able to resume homeostasis and truly heal for good. Organ position being the central pillar to this protocol is what has brought people such amazing, long lasting results.



Unique 4-Part Protocol

that offers a holistic approach to core, spine, and pelvic health


Plus you'll get:

→ Educational videos that teach you how your core works, what leads to core dysfunction, and how to prevent or heal it

→ How to test for core and pelvic floor dysfunction yourself

→ Behavioral habits to avoid or adopt to achieve optimal core health

→ A calendar that clearly outlines the simplest way to implement the protocol

→ Access to my top recommended products and favorite supplements that support core and pelvic health

→ Key breath work drills to safely and effectively strengthen your core 

→ Downloadable PDFs that summarize key points from each video



→ Daily postural and breathing patterns to practice that reduces the pressure in your abdomen, lifts and centers your organs, decompresses your spine, and strengthens your core and pelvic floor

→ Guided video teaching self abdominal massage that improves digestion, centers the organs and eliminates dysfunctional tension in the core muscles

→ Instructional videos for releasing trigger points in glutes, pelvic floor, spine, and legs 

→ At home glute exercise routines you can follow along with which will create a strong foundation for your core

→ Step by step guidance on how to safely and effectively implement a hypopressive breathing practice

→ Guided videos teaching Hypopressive breathing during pregnancy*

→ Pre and post workout hypopressive breathing flows* 

→ Hypopressive breathing flows for realigning both a forward and a backward tipped uterus*

→ Bonus section that features guest appearances, quick tips, and issue specific hypopressive breathing flows*

→ Access to community boards where you can ask Dr. Angie questions, share your progress, and connect with other members



*Only included in All Access and Premium plans


Experiencing any of these?

Learn how The Core Recovery Method® can help you by clicking any of the links below

No more feeling lost, confused, or alone about your health.

Feel healthier and stronger than ever before

✓ Naturally heal all types of core and spine dysfunction

✓ Heal and strengthen your pelvic floor

✓ Prepare for labor 

✓ Safely heal postpartum

✓ Tone & strengthen your core like never before

✓ Heal diastasis and prolapse for good

✓ Run and exercise without restraint

✓ Lift, detox, and center your organs 

✓ Improve digestion and bloating

✓ Regulate your hormones

✓ Resolve painful menstruation   

✓ Treat endometriosis

✓ Eliminate back pain

✓ Decompress your spine

✓ Regulate your nervous system

So you can be the best version of you! 



Flexible for any schedule. 

The Core Recovery Method ® protocol only requires 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week which can all be broken down into smaller increments throughout your day.

The protocol was made by a busy mom, for busy moms and busy people. As a mother and full time doctor, Dr. Angie understands that life can get hectic, which is why she created the protocol to be convenient, flexible, and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Need to take a few days (or weeks) off? Don’t sweat it! You can easily pick back up right where you left off.


Practice on the go.

Access the program on your computer or via the mobile app!

To access on your mobile devices and tablets, just download the Kajabi app (which can be found in the app store) and log into your account - easy as that!



A Plan For Everyone

Starter Kit

6 Months

  • Core Education
  • Core Therapy 
  • Beginner Hypopressive Training
  • Glute Strengthening
  • Calendar 
  • Resources
  • Upgrade any time



Learn the basics of The Core Recovery Method® to rehab core, spine, and pelvic dysfunction. Build a solid foundation for optimal core health and longevity in just half a year. Not suited for pregnancy.






*Payment plans available!


All Access

12 Months

  • Everything from the Starter Kit
  • 6 more months access
  • Intermediate Hypopressive Training
  • Advanced Hypopressive Training
  • Hypopressive Training while Pregnant
  • Access to community resources
  • Upgrade any time

Gain access to all flows, progressions, and teachings so you can take healing, performance enhancement, and recovery to the next level. Includes modifications for pregnancy and early postpartum. Unlock all levels of hypopressive training (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced). One year access - giving you more time, flexibility, and practice with the protocol.



 *Payment plans available!



12 Months

  • Everything from the All Access Plan
  • Monthly video group calls with Dr. Angie
  • Access to one-on-one messaging with Dr. Angie who will answer questions, give insight, and provide personalized guidance throughout your journey with the program 

Take a deep dive into core health and receive one-on-one support throughout your journey directly from Dr. Angie. Join the exclusive live monthly group calls and community board. Highly recommended for those looking to heal chronic, more complex conditions; those who are pre or post operative; or anyone looking for extra support and guidance with the protocol.



*Payment plans available!


FREE Core Health Resources

2 Ways to Treat Sexual Dysfunction

What Causes Sexual Dysfunction?

Core Activation Beyond "Sucking Belly Button to Spine"

The Kegel Myth: What You Need to Know for a Healthy Pelvic Floor

Visit Blog


Questions? Ask Dr. Angie!

Reach out to Dr. Angie at [email protected] and she'll get back to you.